For the last 23 years, evergreenboy has been fully involved in the creation of music, unabated by the limitations usually incurred by the major labels, he has been able to compile an independant CD of demos which he has penned via his own personal inspirations and life experiences...the sadhu demos. This debut CD features songs from a very diverse set of styles...from jazz to folk, from pop to rave, no matter what your taste in music is, there's a little somethin' somethin' for everyone. Why this diversity ??? Well, to put it simply, his musical philosophy leads him in letting the style and mood of the song be dictated by the theme, in order to convey the message as eloquently as possible. For a full version of his musical philosophy, please email him at [email protected]
a "sadhu" is a Hindi wiseman who walks from town to town, sharing his wisdom and insight with his fellow people. This wiseman is usually also a musician who has a great sense of creativity and the ultimate oneness with his place on Earth. He is rewarded with food and is revered by his society as a messanger for the wellness of all humans. evergreenboy is striving to do the same.